Well the dress is finished. I’m please the way it came out, although there are some things I would make different next time.
Oh, yeah!! As I was working on it I thought “this would make a beautiful wedding dress”. Of course it would be a more sophisticated dress; I already start it working on it, just have to make sure I have plenty of the silk 4 ply crape. Will see! Like I said in the past posts I’m not busy at this time, so is time to play lololol
Here are the pics of the dress I hope you enjoy!
Final note; like I said I’m please with the dress and plan to make it again, but, is it just me? …. I can't help the feeling after I finished a project that the “Love is gone”… does any one else feels the same?
Cruz.- buenos días desde España. En primer lugar, gracias por tu amable comentario en mi blog. Me alegra que te guste mi trabajo. Yo, en mi visita al tuyo, estoy disfrutando igualmente viendo tus fantásticas creaciones. Este vestido "Valentino" es un auténtico libro de aprendizaje. Gracias por mostrar todas estas técnicas.
Utilizas unas telas estupendas. Se encuentran con facilidad allá en Miami?.
Lo dicho, gracias otra vez y hasta pronto. Un abrazo,
Yes, I do feel that from time to time. Usually if I put it away for a bit the feeling of love returns.
This dress is exquisite. Love the design.
I just moved from the Miami area a while ago and I sure miss it!
Lovely, lovely dress.
You have put all the love and devotion into this dress and it shows!
So happy to have found your blog and I look forward to more inspirational projects in 2009.
Absolutely beautiful dress! Feliz Navidad!
I am so impressed with this dress. Just exquisite! How could you not feel good wearing this dress?
Ypur work is incredible! Thank you so much for sharing all this!
Greetings from Portugal,
Wonderful dress. Thanks for sharing your process. And yes, sometimes you work so long on a project that you've had enough of it. But it will pass. Hope you have a lot of occasions to wearing this dress.
This happens to me every time I finish a major project. The garment has to sit for a couple of days before I can even think about wearing it!!!
I love your dress - it is exquisite!
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