Showing posts with label OUTFITS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OUTFITS. Show all posts

Monday, June 8, 2009


“Life is just like a box of chocolate…” I should change the name of this post to “La Novela”…really, I need to laugh about it, and I’m past the point of being mad so there is nothing left but to laugh.

After trying to please the client and making all the changes, I realized that it was an impossible task [yes, there were more changes she wanted]. I had to end the processes, it was taking too long and as it was, I was loosing all around.

In conclusion, I made the decision of not charging, even suggested returning the deposit. I know, that is not the “norm”, but in this case, I just need it the matter resolved and move on.

She was gracious not to accept the deposit, and offer to “pay something” for my time… That was not acceptable to me, I rather her having it as a “gift”. I was not about to undercharge for my service.

So here I am, taking it all in and trying to see what road to take next. I had being re-thinking the “made to order” business for a while now. Clients either don’t know or just don’t care what it takes to have something made; the time, care and patience need it. Some one that makes clothing, either for themselves or others knows all the work that it takes. Some start sewing their own clothes to have better made items or a better fit. At times, you could “knockoff” an expensive out-fit for much less, but if you factor the time you had put into it, how much would it be? What would you charge?

I could make a suit for myself and would pay only for the materials used, but what about the time it had taken me to make it?

These are things that most clients don’t understand. Ready to wear clothing, even the most expensive, would be done faster and more cost effective. Think about all the special sewing machines that would do just some specific task, button holes, seam bidding, overlocks just for knits that would clean finish and sew at the same time, hemming… the list would go on and on.

All this, had to be done by hand when you do “Made to order” or just some thing for you.

To be honest, I this time I’m not sure what road to take. Yes I know I had had some great experiences in the past with most clients, but this are few and far in between.

Maybe I have some samples all ready made so clients could choose the one they like, they could see it, touch it maybe try on…

Maybe, I’d open a cyber store…

Maybe, maybe…
Some thing would come up.

I know I have said a lot, PLEASE!!, what do you think?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Here is a pic of the over blouse finished. On my last post, the blouse was almost done, and was waiting for “Mrs. K” to fit the pattern of the under blouse. The fitting went well, so I thought! After getting home, “Mrs. K” decided she was not happy, and wanted some changes.

The next day, she came with two other ladies. The under blouse was discarded, shoulder pads taken out and lapels carried all the way to the hem of the blouse.

I’d tell you, at times, I just want to throw the tower… but that’s just a “moment”

Sunday, May 31, 2009


I wanted to post some pics of this project before it was finish. The outfit is; pants, over and under blouses [ The under-blouse was an addition after the second fitting, and it is not cut out just yet.]

The entire outfit was centralized on the Lace. Complementing the lace with the other fabrics was a "most", making it quite a challenge [finding the right hue of beige was not an easy task, the lace gives a grayish hue, and the color is a Khaki beige].

Both blouses are made out of Silk Iridescent Chiffon and Silk Charmuse. The charmuse was used to underline the iridescent chiffon; it was also used for the Collar, Cuffs and Lapels.

Silk Iridescent Chiffon,

Iridescent Chiffon and Charmuse

Lace Over Charmuse

The Collar, Lapels and Cuffs are made in the Silk Charmuse [You could see some of the basting still at the collar, I use silk thread and beading kneedle for basting Silks]

The seams at hem and facing were finished with a Hong Kong

On this pic you could see one of those details I like using on my made to order.
It is a “bib” or “flap” that it’s sewn on the harm hole right under the arm. It protects the garment from sweat or marks left by antiperspirants. I also use it on the crotch of pants to prevent wear and tearing of the fabric when the inner thighs meet.

Pants Hem with lace border free from underlining.

Pants underlining hem

Grosgrain at waistline

Inside pants, showing the silk chiffon lining


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